Saturday, March 31, 2012
Trying to make snow/ice bases
Friday, March 30, 2012
Stormraven test 1
Tau gun drone
Looks pretty nice from my point of view. Before this gun drone i have only painted few random space marines and few orks, the ones from Assault on Black reach have. Hoping to get full squad of firewarriors painted soon, any ideas how to arm them? Pulse rifles or Pulse carbines? Combination?
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Storm raven - starting up
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Blood and Skulls Industry
Visit them at
Monday, March 26, 2012
Forgeworld goodies

Sunday, March 25, 2012
Deathwatch terminators WIP
Just wanted to show what i have been up lately. Still everything is WIP. Going to get interceptors to this stage before moving to finer details and shading/blending. One reason is also that my orders from various sources havent arrived yet, and im lacking parts to do all the conversion that i have planned. Well lets see some pics.
Friday, March 23, 2012
For greater good?
Tau C (1250pts)
1250pt Tau Empire 4th Ed (2006) Roster (Standard)
HQ (142pts)
Commander (142pts)
Hard-Wired Multi-Tracker (5pts), Hard-Wired Target Lock (5pts), Missile Pod (12pts), Plasma Rifle (20pts), Positional Relay (15pts), Shas'o (75pts)
Hard-Wired Drone Controller (10pts)
Gun Drone (10pts)
Hard-Wired Drone Controller (10pts)
Elites (126pts)
XV8 'Crisis' Battlesuit Team (126pts)
Shas'ui (43pts)
Flamer (4pts), Flamer Twin-Linked (2pts), Fusion Blaster (12pts)
Shas'ui (43pts)
Flamer (4pts), Flamer Twin-Linked (2pts), Fusion Blaster (12pts)
Team Leader (40pts)
Hard-Wired Target Lock (5pts)
Hard-Wired Drone Controller (30pts)
2x Shield Drone (30pts)
Hard-Wired Drone Controller (30pts)
Shas'ui (43pts)
Troops (285pts)
Fire Warrior Team (215pts)
12x Pulse Rifle, 12x Shas'la (120pts), Shas'ui (10pts)
Devilfish (85pts)
Disruption Pod (5pts), Gun Drones
Devilfish (85pts)
Kroot Carnivore Squad (70pts)
10x Kroot (70pts)
Fast Attack (277pts)
Gun Drone Squadron (96pts)
8x Gun Drone (96pts)
Pathfinder Team (181pts)
8x Pathfinders (96pts)
Devilfish (85pts)
Disruption Pod (5pts), Gun Drones
Devilfish (85pts)
Heavy Support (420pts)
Hammerhead Gunship (180pts)
Disruption Pod (5pts), Multi-Tracker (10pts), Railgun (50pts), Smart Missile System (20pts), Target Lock (5pts)
XV88 Broadside Battlesuit Team (240pts)
Shas'Ui (75pts)
Smart Missile System, Target Lock (5pts)
Shas'Ui (75pts)
Smart Missile System, Target Lock (5pts)
Shas'Ui (90pts)
Smart Missile System
Drone Controller (20pts)
2x Gun Drone (20pts)
Drone Controller (20pts)
Shas'Ui (75pts)
Profile Summary:
Name BS Front Side Rear Type Pg Devilfish 3 12 11 10 Tank, Skimmer Hammerhead Gunship 3 13 12 10 Tank, Skimmer
Created with BattleScribe
Thursday, March 22, 2012
First Killteam paint scheme and other goodies
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
More authors
Earlier today i had a practise match agains Becs Nids. We both made few errors and forgot to use some wargear and powers we had. The hero of the match was battle brother Veritas Valence who heroically defended one hill during the entire battle and survived to tell a tale.
Shas'O J'ov Kais Mont'yr
Deathwatch workbench
How to play warhammer 40k
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Maxmini Madness
Monday, March 19, 2012
Finally started painting again
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Weekend warrior
Gw order was cheap compared to forgeworld. We pooled up resources with the Nids player to get cheaper postal costs. Going to use instant mould again to replicate some stuff i ordered. Mainly the terminator crux and inquisition symbols on various doors and hatches.
Last order was from Maelstrom. Some tanks to move my slowly marines around. And some scibor goodies to. Different reliefs and icons - again to be replicated with instant mould. And some dark angel veteran squads to make my "purifiers".
Still waiting for my orders to come from Chapterhouse studios and Maxmini.
Text updates are boring, so off we go with old pictures =)